Family Involvement/Activities
We love to have our Wildcat parents involved at school! Teamwork makes the dream work! There are many ways to stay involved! The biggest way to be involved is to stay in communication with your Wildcat's teacher and our school. If you're looking for volunteer opportunities we have the Wildcat Parent Club, or volunteering at school. Please call the office to see how you can get involved!
Ways to be involved/Activities
Ways to be involved/Activities
Ways to be involved/Activities
- Back to School Night
- Open House
- Talent Show
- Jog-a-thon
- Wildcat Booster Club
- Family Nights
- Wildcat Wear Sales
- Safe Routes to School
Parent square app
Parent square app
Parent square app
In order to receive the most current updates from our school, please get the Parent Square App. This app will allow you to receive messages from the school and your child's teacher. This app will give you up to date messages regarding school events and other important information. You may also use this app to communicate with school admin, teachers and other staff.

Parent Volunteers
Parent Volunteers
Parent Volunteers
The Twin Rivers Unified School District has a parent volunteer policy that allows us to maintain your safety and the safety or your children. All volunteers on campus must have a Volunteer Badge issued by the district. Please refer to the TRUSD website for the volunteer application and procedures needed to attain your badge. Thank you for helping out at our school and maintaining a safe school for our students.